Seasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

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We’re making our way towards summer here at the beach and I couldn’t be happier about it! I’ve always been a fall lover but in recent years I have to say that summer has risen close to the level of fall in the joy it brings me. I guess both are now my favorite seasons, for different reasons of course. For one thing, our coastal Washington summer weather is perfect for me! I love to be outside and enjoy the warmth of the sunshine and the cool breeze off the water. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.

Seasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

This summer will fly by quickly. It’s not just lazy days at the beach with a wide rimmed sun hat for me! There is another new grand baby on the way (a girl!). A business to run and home to keep up with. These are responsibilities and privileges I am grateful to have. Day to day life feels so different from when I had my own little ones at home, but life is still keeping me on my toes in new ways!

Honestly I can’t imagine a life where I could just sit and watch the water with a drink in hand, as lovely as that would be. Perhaps someday! But I do long for the simple pleasures of life, especially when life is busy! I bet you do, too.

Seasonal Rhythms for Life + HomeSeasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

I realized long ago that I am the type of person who will probably always feel busy. This is not always by choice, and I am busy! Ha! But I also think feeling a bit overwhelmed or at least “responsible” to do the things is my natural default.

I’m also a creative and an introvert so I crave a slower pace and more quiet contemplative time to “just be’” than I naturally have. My mind is always thinking, even if I am not physically running around!

Because I know I am this type of person, I decided many years ago that I needed to find a way to create a life of intention and balance. For that I needed seasonal rhythms! I began to carve out intentional space each season to get the right things done, including time to be alone, to slow down, and to take a deep breath. Now I find more freedom to just enjoy my home or be present in the simple pleasures of each season. A rhythm is what fuels me, keeps me inspired and focused!

Seasonal Rhythms for Life + HomeSeasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

I’ve found a practicing a rhythm to be beneficial in every season. Each season is unique. A simple, slow and savored rhythm is essential for me to feel the way I want to in the summer. I practice different rhythms in each seasons, but they are all beneficial to me and my home in similar ways.

A rhythm is how I’m able to do all of the things I need to do and still experience each season the way I want to.

Seasonal Rhythms for Life + HomeSeasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

On June 10th in my HomeBody Gathering Place community I will share the rhythm I use to begin every season — this rhythm has made a world of difference to my sense of peace and productivity in my life and home.

I will show you ways you can incorporate this seasonal practice and will give you a printable HomeBody notebook to help you get organized and focused on your own summer rhythm, too.

Then for the 12 weeks of summer in our HomeBody community we’ll enjoy this season in a simple, slow, savored rhythm. Each week I will show a simple pleasure from my summer rhythm in my own home!

I hope this will inspire you to take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy the season.

Join us here. We close the doors to begin the season together on June 10th.

Seasonal Rhythms for Life + HomeSeasonal Rhythms for Life + Home

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